Cool Stuff

Tech Tips - Putting ECO Mode to work on Your Notebook

Users of notebooks have forever wanted to get the most from their battery's run time. Readers familiar with lgpOnTheMove will know the numerous articles I have already done focusing on choosing the right battery and how to get the maximum unplugged time by choosing the right setup. But there is one area which I have yet to touch on that was brought to my attention recently while doing a notebook review, and that is your notebook's power plan settings.

Accessory Corner - Logitech M570 Wireless Trackball

As a long-time, die-hard trackball user, I had never thought I would ever end up replacing my corded Logitech Trackman Wheel for anything but another corded Logitech Trackman Wheel. Indeed, if you've ever read my Tech Tips article on trackballs (written roughly one year ago), you will see why I've made it my clear choice versus using a mouse. For those that haven't read it, or know absolutely nothing about how good trackballs are, you really should peruse over it, as it gives a very convincing testimony that stands true even today, and probably will for a while to come.

You can imagine my sheer excitement, then, when Logitech announced this latest product a few weeks ago. The M570 is the modern, bona-fide wireless version of the good-old Trackman Wheel. Today, I have one here to show off, and I can tell you it's every bit as good as it looks!

Tech Tips - Getting the Most out of your MiFi 2200

It's only been a short few weeks, but I must admit I absolutely love my Virgin Mobile MiFi 2200. While I did have to pay the full $150 for the hardware, the $40 monthly service fee will easily let me recoup that cost within the first six months. Getting unlimited 3G speed, however, means that I can surf literally all day long, be it websites, Hulu, streaming Pandora radio, or downloading updates for software on my netbook and notebook.

I've also come across various ways to improve the out-of-the-box experience with the MiFi, including tweaking the settings and taking other steps to improve it's performance. Read on to see just what you can do to get the most out of this fantastic little device!