Cool Stuff

My CES 2011 Gear Bag

Less than 1 week to go! Coming along for the ride is my HTC Touch Pro 2, Energizer XP8000 battery and Virgin Mobile MiFi2200. Shown underneath, my 17" notebook will also be accompanying me for getting work done. Rather than tote the red beast all day long, though, I'm keeping that secure with a friend!

As this is my first CES, I'll be traveling light on the show floor. Connectivity shouldn't be a problem with the smartphone + hotspot combo. The Touch Pro 2's camera is suitable for taking product photos in a pinch, and I'll have plenty of juice with the XP8000 on my belt.

Merry Christmas from lgpOnTheMove

It's that special time of the year where lgpOnTheMove is sharing the Christmas spirit. I would like to wish all my readers a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful, safe, fun-filled happy holidays.

And if you happen to have a brand-new notebook waiting under the tree, then I'm sure your Christmas will be even better.

Stay tuned for more great notebook reviews coming on lgpOnTheMove next year!

The Best of 2010

Time sure flies when you're having fun, and 2010 has been another great year in the mobile tech world. I've been fortunate to cover a decent amount of hardware this year, including some very impressive notebook accessories. Indeed, advancements and products for 2010 set the stage for even better gear coming in 2011.

CES 2011 is in fact just two weeks away (more on that later!), but to tide you over until then, I'm happy to put together my best-of list for this year. Read on to see my top picks for 2010.

Quick Look - Samsung Galaxy Tab

First slate device - check. First Android device - check. First impressions??? Hmmm... After just the first few minutes of use I was already having doubts about this latest hot consumer gadget. While it's excusable not to expect full computing functionality, the large 7" screen should promise if nothing at least a pleasing AV playback experience, including Flash video support.

Unfortunately, Samsung's hardware and the Android ecosystem still leaves a lot to be desired. Read on to get a better detail of why I'm so critical of the hardware I look at, and why you might want to hang on to your netbook purchase just that much longer.

Accessory Corner - Zalman ZM-NC3000S Notebook Cooler

Getting a notebook cooler has been something that I've been contemplating for some time, but a recent change for me has made it now a must-have item. While there's a whole plethora of cooling options in the market today to look at, my choice was narrowed down by three essential criteria - notebook size, fan size and material.

The Zalman ZM-NC3000S is designed for 17" notebooks, with a single, large 220mm cooling fan and is made using aluminum. Can this cooler tame the onslaught of heat coming from a quad-core SLI notebook such as my Toshiba Qosmio X305-Q708? Read on to see the results!

lgpOnTheMove on Hiatus

Considering how busy it's been these past few months here on lgpOnTheMove, I've decided to take a well-needed break during the month of November. I've got plenty of preparations to take care of for the holiday season this year, including work around the home, family visiting as well as one major road trip coming up in January. I'll still be chiming in with my usual year-end summaries around December, so make sure to stay tuned and check back for updates.

Tech Tips - Putting ECO Mode to work on Your Notebook

Users of notebooks have forever wanted to get the most from their battery's run time. Readers familiar with lgpOnTheMove will know the numerous articles I have already done focusing on choosing the right battery and how to get the maximum unplugged time by choosing the right setup. But there is one area which I have yet to touch on that was brought to my attention recently while doing a notebook review, and that is your notebook's power plan settings.

Accessory Corner - Logitech M570 Wireless Trackball

As a long-time, die-hard trackball user, I had never thought I would ever end up replacing my corded Logitech Trackman Wheel for anything but another corded Logitech Trackman Wheel. Indeed, if you've ever read my Tech Tips article on trackballs (written roughly one year ago), you will see why I've made it my clear choice versus using a mouse. For those that haven't read it, or know absolutely nothing about how good trackballs are, you really should peruse over it, as it gives a very convincing testimony that stands true even today, and probably will for a while to come.

You can imagine my sheer excitement, then, when Logitech announced this latest product a few weeks ago. The M570 is the modern, bona-fide wireless version of the good-old Trackman Wheel. Today, I have one here to show off, and I can tell you it's every bit as good as it looks!

Tech Tips - Getting the Most out of your MiFi 2200

It's only been a short few weeks, but I must admit I absolutely love my Virgin Mobile MiFi 2200. While I did have to pay the full $150 for the hardware, the $40 monthly service fee will easily let me recoup that cost within the first six months. Getting unlimited 3G speed, however, means that I can surf literally all day long, be it websites, Hulu, streaming Pandora radio, or downloading updates for software on my netbook and notebook.

I've also come across various ways to improve the out-of-the-box experience with the MiFi, including tweaking the settings and taking other steps to improve it's performance. Read on to see just what you can do to get the most out of this fantastic little device!

Accessory Corner - Solo TCA511-4 Netbook Case

I have to admit that amongst the ton of accessories I see reviewed these days, it's very hard to find a (good) review on a notebook or netbook case. While I first saw the Solo TCA511-4 back in 2009, I didn't pay much attention to it until recently when looking at an 11.6" notebook. Yes, the Solo can fit an 11.6" netbook (or notebook) alongside a myriad of accessories to push your mobile productivity. Is this the perfect case for the netbook road warrior? Let's take a closer look!

First Impressions - HP dm1z notebook

Regular readers of lgpOnTheMove will notice it's been a long time since my last detailed notebook review - shame on me you might say! Fortunately, I'm happy to have here today a very special and interesting notebook to look at. The HP Pavilion dm1z is the latest 11.6 inch notebook sporting the new "Premium Vision" Nile platform from AMD.

I was actually confused at first why HP labeled this unit as a notebook and not a netbook. As a direct competitor to Intel in the 11"-12" netbook space, however, I'm somewhat compelled to evaluate it against other Atom offerings. How does the AMD-powered dm1z stack up? Intel may have just received a major wake-up call!

lgpOnTheMove goes 3G Unlimited

Yahoo may have broken the story to it's readers on Friday, but actual credit goes to David Pogue of the New York Times, who wrote about it a few days earlier. I had to actually read the story twice and do my own fact-checking because it sounded just too good to be true. Needless to say, I'm now paying a flat $40/month for fast 3G, usable with all my devices, and without any pesky usage cap. That's right - my 3G is TOTALLY UNLIMITED.

Glamor Shots - HP dm1z notebook

EDITOR'S NOTE: Once again, I'm introducing yet another new feature here on my blog. The Glamor Shots section will feature all the photos and images of major products passing through lgpOnTheMove. All images you see here will resize to full-screen high-res originals.

Today I get to present you with exclusive Glamor Shots of the HP dm1z notebook featuring the latest AMD Nile platform. I've only been playing with it for a few days, but I'm already liking it very much. Stay tuned for a detailed review coming soon on lgpOnTheMove!

Confessions of an Audiophile #2 - playing with the Touch Pro 2

I've been yearning to do this article for such a long time, practically ever since I had my last audiophile encounter with the ZuneHD back in 2009. That gadget told me a lot about what I was missing as far as a modern portable audio device (mp3 player) was concerned, and to be honest left me feeling quite disappointed.

While I've been fortunate to have the HTC Touch Pro 2 with me for quite some time, it's been a painstakingly long wait in getting the last few accessories I needed to really see how the device performs when doing audio and video playback. Now that those final pieces have fallen into place, it's time to take the Touch Pro 2 on an extended test drive. How does it handle? Three words - I love it!

lgpOnTheMove gets a BIG Face Lift

Summer is here and things are getting hot! This major upgrade has been in the works for a while now, but I can finally announce it is ready to go live.

What you see here is not just some simple face lift, but much more. It's in fact what some would call a total body makeover. Welcome to the new and improved lgpOnTheMove!

Accessory Corner #3 - Energizer XP18000 and XP8000 Battery Pack

I must admit that this review has been coming somewhat late. Both of the products have been in my hands for at least a month so far, but I've only been able to get this piece together at the end of this month. I've been very interested in seeing these work, since I own both a smartphone and netbook, and am on the move a lot.

Powering my devices is often at times a challenge, especially on days when I am out from morning to evening, I happen to be miles away from my car and/or I don't have a power outlet nearby. Do these two battery packs meet the requirements of powering my gear effectively or do they fall short? I was very surprised by the results I found.

Tech Tips #9 - How having a USB port on a Wireless Router beats Cloud Storage

Image credit: Netgear
Last month I got to experiment with a very sophisticated all-in-one wireless solution from Netgear, the DGND3300. The ability to plug in any external hard drive to its USB port for use as storage accessible over both wired and wireless networks makes it an extremely useful solution. Moreover, since that storage can be accessed over an internet connection when away from home, it makes for a compelling alternative to subscription-based cloud storage services. That can be especially ideal if you like to have your data "to go".

Accessory Corner #2 - Netgear DGND3300 and WNDA3100 Dual Band Combo

Image credit: Netgear
Continuing on with my wireless roller-coaster ride, I'm now fortunate to look at a significantly more potent solution, again from Netgear. The DGND3300 builds on the earlier DSL modem router I tested last month, with the addition of 5.0GHz capability and a USB port for network storage. In turn, the WNDA3100 is a wireless USB adapter able to take advantage of the speed and range of that 5GHz signal, making devices with support for wifi perform far better. How does this combination work? Let's find out!

Tech Tips #8 - Securing your Home Wireless Network

I've been going through quite a lot of wireless gear lately, evaluating hardware from Netgear as well as connecting that with my smartphone, netbook and notebook using multiple wireless networks. The experience has made it clear to me that setting up a home wireless network is fairly painless, not to mention a relatively simple matter to keep secure while ensuring connectivity to all your wireless gear.

If you've been wary of setting up a wireless network for fear of being hacked, your data stolen or your PC being hijacked - fear not. It's a relatively simple few steps you need only take to ensure your wireless signal remains yours.

First Impressions - Toshiba NB305 Netbook

Image credit: Toshiba
You may remember last year my quick look at Toshiba's first candidate in the netbook category - the NB205. This very attractive netbook had a lot going for it, but it somehow came at a time when Microsoft's latest OS was just out the door, and Intel had delayed Pinetrail by a matter of weeks. While I did make the NB205 a top lgpOnTheMove netbook pick for 2009, I was eagerly awaiting the replacement model coming from Toshiba in 2010.

Today I have that unit, the NB305, here with me to review. Does it build on what made the NB205 so great? Let's take a look!

Accessory Corner #1 - Netgear DGN2000 Wireless-N Router with DSL Modem

Image credit: Newegg
EDITOR'S NOTE: Back from my winter break (or prolonged rehab if you will) I'm kicking off the spring edition with yet another new series here on my blog. In these installments you will see me provide reviews on some of the cool accessories I use on a daily basis with my notebook and netbook.

We all know notebooks are great at what they do, but as we have also seen, a notebook can be enhanced considerably with the use of special accessories. My recent acquisition of a new wireless router/modem combo from Netgear has been performing very well, not only improving my overall work flow, but deserving of a closer look.

UPDATE: lgpOnTheMove on Hiatus

In an unexpected fashion, I have been removed from service this month due to a bout of pneumonia. I was actually hospitalized for a few days and put under observation to make sure it wasn't anything more serious. All is well now, as I'm at home recovering nicely. Hopefully next month I can get back to work here with some newer articles, and maybe a new toy to review.

Stay tuned!

UPDATE: Still on break during March, but some new gadgets are on the way - definitely an article (or two) coming for April.

Tech Tips #7 - Hot Gear for 2010

With CES in Las Vegas officially kicking off today, it seems more than appropriate that I put together my list of cool gear and innovations to look out for this year. 2009 saw a lot of advances and a close peek at what to expect. 2010 promises some major changes for notebook users in particular, so if you are itching to make that purchase, you'll be eager to see all the hot, new tech coming now.

Happy New Year from lgp On The Move

Fighting the effect of just a little too much champagne, I would like to kick off the new decade by wishing all my readers a safe and prosperous Happy New Year. Last year saw the most action on my blog so far, and this year will continue to bring to you the best notebook coverage. We have a big year ahead of us, so stay tuned for more great news, reviews and cool notebook stuff.
