It's that special time of the year again where lgpOnTheMove is sharing the Christmas spirit. I would like to wish all my readers a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful, safe, fun-filled happy holidays.
For those of you lucky enough to have a brand-new notebook sitting under the tree, I'm guessing your Christmas just got extra special.
Stay tuned for more great notebook news and reviews coming in 2012!
Cool Stuff
The Best of 2011
Wow!!! 2011 has been such a pivotal year in mobile technology - it just boggles the mind thinking about everything this year has brought consumers. With the onslaught of slate hardware to the arrival of mobile Sandy Bridge, 2011 has certainly set the stage for some of the best gadgets we've seen, and has given quite the indication of what 2012 has in store.
Indeed, with CES just four weeks away, manufacturers are eagerly waiting to take the wraps of their latest high-tech gadgets. But before our jaws drop, it's only appropriate that I wrap up 2011 with my list of top notebooks and netbooks.
Indeed, with CES just four weeks away, manufacturers are eagerly waiting to take the wraps of their latest high-tech gadgets. But before our jaws drop, it's only appropriate that I wrap up 2011 with my list of top notebooks and netbooks.
Tech Tips - 101 Things You Can Do with a Netbook
It amazes me the number of folks who continue to suggest that netbooks are underpowered, useless and cheap toys compared to more expensive slates. And this viewpoint reaches peak when folks see a slate docked with a fancy clamshell-style keyboard/case combination, entertaining the idea that it can even replace a notebook! Yet quite the contrary is the truth. Today's best netbooks are in fact as good as any notebook flashing a Core 2 Duo sticker, and can handle pretty much any everyday task you throw at it, even including casual gaming.
Using my own 10" HP 210 Mini netbook as a baseline, I've gone ahead and compiled a list of 101 things that you can do today with a netbook. These examples go beyond just software that you can run and peripherals you can attach, but extend to ways in which you can get the most out of your sub-$400 investment.
Using my own 10" HP 210 Mini netbook as a baseline, I've gone ahead and compiled a list of 101 things that you can do today with a netbook. These examples go beyond just software that you can run and peripherals you can attach, but extend to ways in which you can get the most out of your sub-$400 investment.
First Impressions - Toshiba Qosmio X775 notebook
It's been a long time since I last looked at a big 17" notebook, but this latest Toshiba Qosmio model warranted my undivided attention. There's a lot to like about the X775-3DV78, chief among them the nVidia GTX560M graphics, 1920x1080 120Hz display, an impeccable keyboard, and harman/kardon 2.1 speaker system. Looking for a notebook with some "attitude"? Keep reading to see what else this system can do.
Glamor Shots - Toshiba Qosmio X775 notebook
At last, some new Glamor Shots for you to peruse over - this time showing off my latest notebook acquisition, the Toshiba Qosmio X775-3DV78. This high-end 17" gaming notebook has some decent hardware under it's hood, and aims to continue where the X305 and X505 left off. Exactly how good is it? Stay tuned next week for a full review here on lgpOnTheMove.
lgpOnTheMove on Hiatus
As you may have probably noticed, I've been taking a break from writing these past several weeks to catch up on some other business, as well as attend to a minor medical matter. Never fear, more articles are in the works, as well as a notebook (or two) on the way right now to lgpOnTheMove for a closer look.
Stay tuned over the next few weeks for more great news and reviews!
Stay tuned over the next few weeks for more great news and reviews!
Tech Tips - Gaming on the Atom N570
I've been carefully exploring over these last couple of weeks the many possibilities my HP 210 Mini netbook provides, and I'm thoroughly enjoying the experience. Intel's N570 dual-core Atom really is a decent performer. But working with applications and multimedia is only part of the picture. My testing has shown that, despite popular opinion, the N570 platform is adept at handling more than one 3D graphics title out there!
If you've been itching to get your hands on the smallest/lightest Windows device that will provide a decent casual gaming experience, or need a 10" netbook that can do more than just documents and spreadsheets, these gaming tips here should help turn a lackluster day into something decidedly more entertaining.
If you've been itching to get your hands on the smallest/lightest Windows device that will provide a decent casual gaming experience, or need a 10" netbook that can do more than just documents and spreadsheets, these gaming tips here should help turn a lackluster day into something decidedly more entertaining.
Big Deal - Netbooks beat Slates
EDITOR'S NOTE: Lots of editors and writers like to re-post news found online and put their own "spin" on a story. Big Deal is yet another addition to lgpOnTheMove where l highlight recent news posts from the web that tie into my work here, minus of course the bloated opinion.
Despite all the wild hype around slates these days, it seems I'm not entirely alone when it comes to my preference for netbooks versus the overpriced luxury toys. Softpedia reports that research firm ABI shows consumers still prefer netbooks over slates. Read on to get the link to their article, along with my take on these findings.
Despite all the wild hype around slates these days, it seems I'm not entirely alone when it comes to my preference for netbooks versus the overpriced luxury toys. Softpedia reports that research firm ABI shows consumers still prefer netbooks over slates. Read on to get the link to their article, along with my take on these findings.
Quick Look - HP TouchPad
Round three of my slate shakedown continues with the HP TouchPad. Yes, HP has thrown it's hat in the slate ring this year borrowing heavily from the advances made by Palm's webOS software. But can the muscle of a hardware giant like HP and the software talent from Palm, now owned by HP, produce a slate that improves upon the likes of the BlackBerry PlayBook and 7" Samsung Galaxy Tab? Unfortunately, not by very much.
Tech Tips - 13 Reasons why Netbooks trump Slates
Ever since the introduction of the iPad, manufacturers have been clamoring to produce newer, better, alternative models to compete with Apple and tease consumers. 2011 has in fact become the biggest year yet of slate product launches, with HP, RIM, Apple, Fujitsu, Toshiba, and many more companies now offering units on sale. Yes, we are in the midst of a total slate euphoria.
But should consumers and enthusiasts buy into all this wild hype? More to the point, do slates really offer anything functional and useful that a small/light, more-affordable netbook would not already be able to provide? Based on some of my extensive, first-hand experience, I have to say the netbook continues to be the better option.
But should consumers and enthusiasts buy into all this wild hype? More to the point, do slates really offer anything functional and useful that a small/light, more-affordable netbook would not already be able to provide? Based on some of my extensive, first-hand experience, I have to say the netbook continues to be the better option.
First Impressions - HP 210 Mini netbook
Once again, I'm happy to present here on lgpOnTheMove yet another very unique netbook. The HP 210 Mini may not be the newest 10" rig on the block, but it does sport an impressive list of specs, starting with an Atom N570 CPU. Can the dual-core HT processor improve upon the existing netbook user experience? Combined with the numerous other features the 210 Mini offers, I'd say that's a definite yes!
Accessory Corner - Liteon eNAU108 CD/DVD Burner
Today I take a look at a rather inexpensive but useful little accessory that will be welcome for many netbook users, myself included. Liteon's eNAU108 CD/DVD burner is a portable USB-powered optical drive that does a great job when it comes to burning and reading practically any type of disc out there, with decent performance as well. You may even be so impressed with it that, like me, you'll end up buying two!
Glamor Shots - HP 210 Mini netbook
Quick Look - BlackBerry PlayBook
Following my less-than-spectacular experience with the Samsung Galaxy Tab a few months back, I was somewhat curious to see how RIM's BlackBerry alternative would perform. The PlayBook is the company's first slate attempt, and while it improves greatly on what I had previously, my short time with the tablet echoes the same overall consensus - the device remains to be a serious work in progress.
Off the Beaten Track - Why the Intel Atom is Doomed
Image credit: Toshiba |
Wish List - Hot Gear for 2011
I honestly can't remember when I wrote my last Wish List post. But the new year along with the hot gear I observed at CES this month has got me in overdrive in anticipation of everything that's coming to consumers in 2011. Notebooks, netbooks, slates and lots of other hot items are set to get some major changes this year, and I've decided to share with you my list of top items to look out for!
Likewise, for those who have been holding out on their purchase of a new notebook, netbook or slate, 2011 will more than likely make you open your wallet and renew your gadget fantasy.
Likewise, for those who have been holding out on their purchase of a new notebook, netbook or slate, 2011 will more than likely make you open your wallet and renew your gadget fantasy.
Accessory Corner - Clearwire 4G Clear Spot
It's been a good three weeks now since I signed up with Clearwire and acquired my Clear Spot 4G. While my excitement of getting faster data speeds was more or less met, and worked surprisingly well at first, more extensive testing turned out some severe deficiencies with both the hardware and Clearwire's service. Sadly, further difficulties compounding my use left me no other option than to return the 4G device and cancel my service.
On Location - CES 2011
The 2011 International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) kicked off this week in Las Vegas, Nevada. And for the first time this year, I have been fortunate enough to attend this important event in the tech calendar. While I'm certainly no stranger to Vegas or conventions in general, this show is special for me in many ways. It's by far the biggest convention I have ever attended, it's the first event to get coverage here on lgpOnTheMove, and it's the place to get the scoop on all the latest gadgets and technology to hit consumers hands. Last but most importantly, it's where I get to introduce lgpOnTheMove to product vendors and manufacturers.
Goodbye 3G - Hello 4G!
I may be in a fringe area with a CINR of only 7, but it's good enough to do 2500kbps with an average latency of 77ms. That's faster than peak 3G speeds, and for a price difference of just five dollars per month, the Clear Spot 4G from Clearwire has given my Virgin Mobile MiFi 2200 the TKO. Yes, lgpOnTheMove goes 4G unlimited for 2011, and at just $45/month, I'm now seriously considering retiring my home DSL connection for good as well. I'll be taking this little gem for an extensive test drive over the next couple of weeks, including throwing it into my CES gear bag for Vegas. Stay tuned for a full review of the Clear Spot 4G on lgpOnTheMove soon!
Happy New Year from lgpOnTheMove
Fighting the effects of just a little too much champagne, I'd like to wish all my readers here on lgpOnTheMove a safe and prosperous Happy New Year. 2010 saw a major upgrade on my blog, with more action than ever before. 2011 will continue the excitement on lgpOnTheMove, so expect even more great news, reviews and cool notebook stuff.