Cool Stuff

Lifestyles of the Mobile Road Warrior - Staying Connected

EDITOR'S NOTE: For today's modern workforce, spending your 9-5 in a cubicle no longer makes practical sense. With the productivity and connectivity mobile tech provides, 1 in 5 workers are now able to make a living outside the traditional office environment. This new series of articles on lgpOnTheMove caters specifically to the hard-core mobile worker who is always on the go. You'll find tips, tricks, advice and proven, hands-on examples of how to not only stay useful while on the road, but create a no-compromise ultimate mobility solution.

Connectivity has become prime to providing an ideal mobile work environment. It doesn't matter if you provide lip service all day for clients on your cellphone, handle 100+ emails or need to video conference every morning half-way across the globe - it's your connectivity that will either make or break your day. With more ways now than ever to get both voice and data working for you, it's only fitting that I show how you too can hit the road without sacrificing anything when it comes to staying connected.

Accessory Corner - Clear Apollo 4G mobile hotspot

It's been close to a year since I first looked at Clearwire's 4G WiMax service and tested their first mobile hotspot. My unfortunate experience with their device and service, however, left me feeling extremely disappointed, especially when you understand my desire to not only enjoy unlimited mobile broadband, but make the dream of having internet everywhere a reality.

Fast forward 12 months to today, and I now have their newest mobile hotspot, the Apollo 4G, under my scrutiny. Does the newer hardware improve the user experience? And has Clear been able to take advantage of the last 12 months to make improvements to their wireless internet service? Read on to see how the company fares this time around!

Wish List - Hot Gear for 2012

Once again 2012 is set to bring a slew of exciting new hardware for mobile tech enthusiasts. CES 2012 already gave me a good indication of just some of the products due to hit shelves later this year. Look hard enough, though, and you can already find sprinklings of as-yet-unseen gadgets already appearing, or set to go on sale very soon.

Notebooks in particular are due for some major improvements this year thanks to the continued efforts of Intel, AMD and nVidia. If the arrival of mobile Sandy Bridge hasn't yet convinced you to upgrade that Core 2 Duo clunker you've been using since 2008, here's a few more reasons why you should seriously consider upgrading in 2012.