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I'm not ashamed to ask for money - corporate America takes it from me every day! For those not aware, lgpOnTheMove is a project that I am doing in my free time and do not get paid for. Yes, I do run ads on my site, but that revenue has been next to nothing despite an increase in page views. I need your continued support!

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Accessory Corner - Netgear R6200 and A6200 Dual Band Combo

Hard to believe how fast time flies, but it's been almost THREE YEARS since I looked at Netgear's N300 modem-router and USB adapter combo here on lgpOnTheMove. In that time, Netgear have made quite a few changes to their product lineup, most notably the addition of 802.11ac equipment.

The R6200 wireless router and A6200 wireless USB adapter make for a sweet combination, providing connection speeds well in excess of 800Mbps for netbooks/notebooks. Should you be interested in upgrading to this latest wireless standard? Read on for a detailed look.

First Impressions - Microsoft Surface Pro

Having been so impressed after my experience with the Surface RT, it was with great anticipation that I took to putting the higher-end Surface Pro under my detailed scrutiny. Microsoft's flagship slate takes a jab where no other slate has gone before, marrying a full Windows 8 touch-optimized x64 OS with today's most cutting-edge mobile PC hardware crammed inside an incredibly svelte form-factor.

Does it succeed when so other similar attempts in the past have failed? More importantly, can it truly replace a Windows 7 netbook/notebook? Hang on to your wallet, because it's going to be a bumpy ride!